Saturday, October 4, 2014

When you say yes

As I write this, I have 49 days until I return to America. It's terrifying, but it's gonna be ok.

The more I say "yes" to God's plans, the more excited I am for the future despite how much it scares me. I need to go through the desert (wake tech) before I can get to the promised land (the mission field)...haha. That comparison makes me giggle.

Anyways, now that I have said YES I am very excited to work as hard as possible in the states, study Hindi and earn a nursing degree. It is going to be very hard, but I honestly look forward to it.

I have been talking to my lovely host Momma, Suphala, about how I thought God wanted me in college and then to return to India. Among her wise advice shared with chai was the encouragement to go earn a degree, despite how scared I am. She reassured me that God was not finished with me yet and the future is exciting and something to look forward to!

America will be my boot camp for the mission field. I need to become fluent in Hindi and work hard. I need to earn my degree and become a better person. I need to spend more time in prayer, more time in meditation before the Lord, more time away from the mission field to become more and more like Him as I conform to His image.

     On most Sundays, I will watch the Summit Church's sermons online. JD Greer used this quote by Billy Graham that spoke very loudly to me and reinforced God's plan:

“If I had to do it over again... I would spend more time in spiritual nurture, seeking to grow closer to God so I could become more like Christ. I would spend more time in prayer... I would spend more time studying the Bible and meditating on its truth, not only for sermon preparation but for life.”

-Billy Graham

I am far from ready to live in India full-time. I am far from being the woman God wants me to be before I live here. I need to focus on Him, study hard, learn as much as possible, work harder, pray more, read His love letter, the Bible, as often as possible... Despite living here for almost half a year, I realize I am not at all prepared to stay yet, I need more training before I enter the battlefield.

"Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:4

So, yeah. let's go to America. Let's do this.

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