Friday, September 12, 2014

My little brothers have a new room!

My little brothers have a new room!

This is not a phrase you would normally say with happy tears in your eyes, great joy in your heart and a big, stupid smile on your face--but that is exactly how I am saying it right now.

For the last few months, my little brothers, my Indian little brothers, have been in a tight, overcrowded, hardly ventilated bedroom. They have not had their own beds but have been sharing several shoved-together bunk beds. Their room was so poorly ventilated that it could reach temperatures of 110F at night...some nights they would sleep on the hot concrete outside instead.

But, several amazing friends from GHI supported the need to give my brothers a new room!! 

Let me tell you about this awesome new room:

1) They have their own bunks. Several little boys and several teenage boys are not sharing a continuous, over-crowded line of bunk beds...they have their own mattresses! 

2) Fans! They have fans! No more nights spent outside to cool down.

3) Windows and ventilation! The old room was very claustrophobic and stuffy. Now these guys will get clean air, not recycled, hot stuffy air.

4) Storage space!! There is storage space for all the boys' things, clothes and birthday presents :-)

5) Space. There is enough space to move around, chill out, study, play games.

6) Drinking water! The boys would often need to take a small trek across the compound to get to drinking water if they became thirsty at night. Now they can simply get out of bed, drink some water, go to sleep. 

Here are some photos!!

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