Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Here are some recent pictures:

Me & Glory! Can you believe she used to be shy? She is so goofy and precious!

My "Little Sister", Saroti! She is so dear to my heart. I love her so very much.
Study time! You can see in the background that there is sound equipment for church and several drums! Everyone here is a fantastic percussionist, singer, dancer, writer, artist...They are amazing!
Millie and Hosanna!
Mukti studying for school
Sanjay studying hard!
My brother Abin!
My sister Hosanna! She has been helping me learn my Hindi alphabet, learn some Hindi words and helps me laugh often! I love her so very much!
My sister, Blessing! She has such a sweet, tenderhearted spirit and gives such sweet hugs!
Rojaleen studying by the pulpit!

Niharika! She is so precious and always gives me sweet hugs! She just turned 10 and we all celebrated her birthday! She may be small, but she has the biggest smile and the cutest laugh!
Goutam! Goutam is so talented! He is an amazing dancer and has an amazing laugh :)

Millie carrying some dinner!
One of the millions of lizards that live outside...and inside! I love the lizards. I think they are really cool looking and I am very thankful that they eat the nasty bugs and beetles that make their way to my bed!
This is the windowsill by my bed, it's my special stuffs...Gameboy color (Pokemon Yellow version, of course! I got it from my amazing friend Amy, who I miss very much), tiny special rocks from Sarita, pens, cameback, sketchbook, iTouch, three of my many journals, my Bible, a book on Hindi and the book "Kisses from Katie" by Katie Davis. Reading her biography certainly aids in my wanting to stay in India :) Anyways, aside from my laptop, camera and guitar, these are the most valuable items (emotionally and monetarily) I have in my possession. It's small and simple, I like it. 

That's all for now, I will write more to you all soon :-)

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